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Learn and Discuss

These events occur throughout the year. Some meet weekly and others on a periodic basis. 

Scroll down to read about each event and click for additional information and to register. 

Learn and Discuss - Special

    • September 09, 2024
    • November 10, 2025
    • 15 sessions
    • Zoom

    Israel Discussion Group

    Lead by Colin Lewis and Allan Pilver

    Meets on the second Monday of the month at 10AM

    Zoom only beginning in April 2025

    The current multi front crisis facing Israel weighs on us all.  The MCA Israel Discussion Group is an opportunity to share, listen and learn in these times of constant crisis and hopefully times of quiet.  

    This discussion group will be devoted to these current events. With a limited audience, participants will have an opportunity to dig into these pressing issues of the day and share opinions with fellow MCA members.  

    • October 31, 2024
    • April 17, 2025
    • 7 sessions
    • Zoom Only

    Current Issues Discussion Group

    Lead by Ron Mutchnik

    Meets on the 3rd Thursday of each month at 1:00 PM

    Each month the group engages in an interesting, relevant and often controversial discussion.  A shared magazine article is used as a spur for the interaction.  If you enjoy stimulating conversations about current issues with a group of critical thinkers, please join us.

    For additional information, contact Ron Mutchnik


    Jan. 16 - "Do You Know What You Mean by That?" (Revolution)

    Feb. 20 - "The Forgotten History of Hitler's Establishment Enablers" (Enablers) 

    March 20 - "Have the Liberal Arts Gone Conservative?" (Old School) 

    April 17 - "Why are Americans Still Uncomfortable with Atheism?" (Without a Prayer)

    • November 13, 2024
    • April 09, 2025
    • 6 sessions
    • Thee City's Grill, 3883 Tamiami Trail, Naples

    East Naples Breakfast

    Join your MCA friends for breakfast at a new location, closer to East Naples, Marco Island, Lely, Fiddlers Creek.

    Thee City's Grill, 3883 Tamiami Trail East,

    Town Center Shopping Center

    Questions? Email Barry Dickensohn 

    • November 13, 2024
    • April 09, 2025
    • 6 sessions
    • Skillets in East University Village Ft Myers (Ben Hill and Estero Blvd)
    • 5

    MCA North Breakfast

    Join your MCA friends for breakfast at a
    new location (Skillets) in Estero.

    Click here to have a look at the menu.

    Questions? email Ken Marcus 

    • November 20, 2024
    • September 17, 2025
    • 11 sessions
    • Iser Center Board Room and Zoom

    Book Discussion Group

    Meets on the  3rd Wednesday of the month at 2:30pm 

    Currently Zoom Only

    The books we discuss which are recommended by group members may be on any subject, whether fiction or non-fiction. The discussions, led by a group member, will focus on the theme, character development and quality of writing.

    If you enjoy reading books of substance and discussing with peers, you will definitely enjoy this group.

    Books Selections

    1. November: The Incorruptibles; A true Story of Kingpins, Crime Busters, and the Birth of the American Underworld by Dan Slater. This is a story of particularly Jewish crime in the early 20th century. 

    2. December: Frostbite by Nicola Twilley. This is the story of refrigeration, how it developed and how it has changed our lives.

    3. January: Ain't No Grave by Mary Glickman. This is a novel about the precariousness of Black and Jewish life in the south around the time of the Leo frank Lynching in 1915. 

    4. February: Demon of Unrest by Erik Larson. Explores the turbulent times between the election of Abraham Lincoln and the actual beginning of the American Civil War.

    5. March: The Art Thief by Michael Finkel

    6. April: Fat Leonard by Craig Whitlock

    7. May:  The Sequel by Jean Korelitz

    8. June: The Man Who Broke Capitalism by David Giles

    9. July: The Island at the Center of the World by Robert  Shorto

    10. August: Deacon King Kong by James McBride

    For more information contact Howard Gilbert

    • November 21, 2024
    • April 03, 2025
    • 6 sessions
    • Iser Center
    • 34

    Men's Medical Seminar Series

    Hosted by Chuck Siegel, Mel Kaplan and Larry Goodman

     Mostly on the third Thursday of the month at 10:00 AM

    The Medical Seminar series was formulated to help our membership understand the various presentations, diagnoses and treatments of a variety of medical conditions primarily affecting adult males. Our knowledgeable speakers have addressed aliments from literally head to toe in a concise and understandable lecture format geared toward a generally non-medical audience.  

    In person or via Zoom.

    Session Topics

    • 11/21 Thursday:  "Keeping you on you Toes"- Dr. Stephanie Fields (Podiatrist). How often do we find our feet achy and tired.  One-third of older adults have foot pain, stiffness, or aching feet. What is the deal with orthotics and changing soles? Is it only age or perhaps a bit more?  Our men's medical seminar series begins with this topic presented by Dr. Stephanie Shields, a local podiatrist , who will give us some guidance to improve "Keeping us on our Toes". This session is in person only
    • 12/19 Thursday:  "Is Falling in my Future?" A look at adult accidental tumbles with insights into potential steps that may avert this common and costly problem. A panel discussion with Dr. Larry Weiss (Emergency Physician), Dr. Marc Dichter (Neurologist), and Jeanne Morgenstern (Physical Therapist). Moderated by Dr. Larry Goodman.
    • 1/16 Thursday: "My Dr. Visit-What's new and What Should I Know in Preparation" A panel discussion to help navigate the complicated waters of today's medical world. Dr. Fran Gurtman (Internist), Dr. Paul Stein (Internist), Jerry Solomon (Medical Insurance Specialist), and Dr. Peter Sherer (Internist)
    • 2/20 Thursday:  "I Just Retired: Now What's Happened to My Vision?" This presentation will explain common vision threatening problems that affect older adults. Dr. Howard Gilbert (Ophthalmologist)
    • 3/20 Thursday:  9:00 AM for this date only "Our Heart Today-Keep it Beating" Dr. Doug Zipes (Cardiologist) 
    • 4/3 Thursday "The GI Tract-Top to Bottom: What's New in 2025"Dr. Mazen Albeldawi (Gastroenterologist)    (Note date change for this meeting)

    • January 13, 2025
    • April 07, 2025
    • 4 sessions
    • Iser Cultural Center

    Registration Opens 11/13/24

    Investment Club 

    Equities? Fixed Income? Real Estate? Mutual Funds? Puts/calls/options?  Join your MCA friends in a monthly round table discussion to share your investment experience and expertise and to learn from others. 


    Jan 13th - Douglas Summer and Adam Lafer from UBS- Evergreen Private Funds

    Feb 10th - Open

    March 10th - Jeff Yun from Wasmer Schroeder/ Charles Schwab - Fixed Income Investing

    April 7th - Steven Einhorn retired from Omega Advisors - Researching and Selecting Equities

    For more information, contact Gene Briskman

    • January 14, 2025
    • April 22, 2025
    • 8 sessions
    • Nina Iser Center
    • 1

    Talmud Study
    Led by Sid Freund

    "Biweekly'ish" on Tuesdays at 2:45 PM 

    Talmud Study Group will focus on ancient Jewish civil laws, many of which formed the foundation of our modern laws. Below is a description of this year's focus: 

    "On Bearing False Witness"

    We will study the debate between sages of the Talmud on the laws and consequences of giving false testimony and the punishment for conspiring witnesses. 

    We will learn how to apply the methodology of the Talmud's sages, through their use of psychology and logic, to determine the veracity of witnesses and parties in legal cases.

    Participants will sit as judges and lawyers and engage in spirited debate on the merit of cases, and unravel the thinking of our sages. Knowledge of Hebrew is not a prerequisite to experience the challenges and satisfaction of these discussions.

    Facilitator Sid Freund has been Superintendent of Schools in New York and Connecticut. He attended eight years of Yeshiva studies in New York City, and has had a longtime interest in Hebrew texts.

    Questions? Email Sid Freund at

    • March 17, 2025
    • 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
    • Nina Iser Center - BBYO Room
    • 7


    Wine Club-Red Burgundy and Pinot Noir

                               A Blind Tasting

    The fifth meeting of the MCA Wine Club will be on Monday March 17th 2025 from 3:00 to 5:00 PM in the Iser Center. This tasting will highlight Red Burgundy & Pinot Noir.

    Please note that this will be a blind tasting with each wine compared to the others.

    You must re-register for this event, even if you have registered previously

    Please let Barry Denkensohn know if you plan to bring a bottle  so we can estimate how many bottles are needed, depending on the number of attendees. At the tasting, please provide some information about the winery and any details the attendees will find helpful, as this is also a learning experience.

    Cheese and crackers will also be served, so please let Barry know if you will volunteer to do this. We need at least two members to help with this chore.

    Attendees need to bring their own wine glasses to the tasting. It is recommended that they bring 4 glasses so that a side by side comparison can be made.

    The final tasting of the season will be on Monday April 21st. Wine for that meeting will be determined later.

    Please contact Barry Denkensohn with any questions and please make sure that you register if you wish to attend

    Anyone who wants to bring an interesting or favorite bottle of white wine should do so.  Please let Barry know what you're planing to bring.  As we're tasting whites, you won't need to open the bottles in advance, so if we have a lot of wines, we may not open them all.   You should also be prepared to speak about the winemaker, vineyard, year and the wine.

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