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  • Wine Club- Red Burgundy & Pinot Noir Blind Tasting

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Wine Club- Red Burgundy & Pinot Noir Blind Tasting

  • March 17, 2025
  • 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
  • Nina Iser Center - BBYO Room
  • 7




Wine Club-Red Burgundy and Pinot Noir

                           A Blind Tasting

The fifth meeting of the MCA Wine Club will be on Monday March 17th 2025 from 3:00 to 5:00 PM in the Iser Center. This tasting will highlight Red Burgundy & Pinot Noir.

Please note that this will be a blind tasting with each wine compared to the others.

You must re-register for this event, even if you have registered previously

Please let Barry Denkensohn know if you plan to bring a bottle  so we can estimate how many bottles are needed, depending on the number of attendees. At the tasting, please provide some information about the winery and any details the attendees will find helpful, as this is also a learning experience.

Cheese and crackers will also be served, so please let Barry know if you will volunteer to do this. We need at least two members to help with this chore.

Attendees need to bring their own wine glasses to the tasting. It is recommended that they bring 4 glasses so that a side by side comparison can be made.

The final tasting of the season will be on Monday April 21st. Wine for that meeting will be determined later.

Please contact Barry Denkensohn with any questions and please make sure that you register if you wish to attend

Anyone who wants to bring an interesting or favorite bottle of white wine should do so.  Please let Barry know what you're planing to bring.  As we're tasting whites, you won't need to open the bottles in advance, so if we have a lot of wines, we may not open them all.   You should also be prepared to speak about the winemaker, vineyard, year and the wine.

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